Saturday afternoon jam

I'm so glad I'm not dead (Saturday afternoon jam, April 5 edition)

Today marks the 20th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. It seems as though anyone who ever cared about Nirvana has already written about what that meant--for the era, for the music, for anything and everything.

Throw my voice to Sacramento (your Saturday afternoon jam, March 29 edition)

Rainy day. We ran boring errands and then got lunch and went record/book-shopping.

In the car we listened to the new Dean Wareham record on a loop. This song came on twice.

Then we came home and napped with cats as the rain continued to come down. It was all perfect:

Saturday afternoon jam, March 22 edition

This must be the first Saturday in at least two months that my day has not been swamped with some sort of obligation, work-related or otherwise. I mean, don't get me wrong I've done a little bit of work (for school) but mostly this has been a very Saturday kind of Saturday: Lazy and unproductive.

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